Dr Daniel Chalkley is a Lecturer within the School of Behavioural and Health Sciences at the Brisbane campus of the Australian Catholic University. Daniel teaches across both undergraduate and postgraduate courses focussing on units in the disciplines of motor control and learning, skill acquisition, motor development, and physical education. Dr Chalkley is also the Course Coordinator for undergraduate degrees in exercise and sport science on the Brisbane campus.
Prior to joining ACU, Daniel worked as an applied sport scientist specialising in applying the principles of skill acquisition to improve the performance and the daily training environment of elite athletes at both the Australian Institute of Sport and the Queensland Academy of Sport.
Dr Chalkley completed his PhD investigating intuition in elite athletes. Specifically looking at decision making, he used pupillometry to show that intuitive decisions require less cognitive effort, reflected in less pupil dilation. The findings provide valuable insight into testing and training for decision making in sport as a critical skill to enhance performance.
Dr Chalkley’s academic interests and expertise include the measurement and improvement of decision-making skills with particular focus on the underlying mechanism that explain expert decisions. Dr Chalkley also has a passion for and expertise in the use of new and emerging technologies such as sensors, eye tracking, virtual reality, and data analysis.
Daniel has been a long-time member of the ASAN family and joined the Executive Committee in 2022.